Saturday, July 30, 2022

Where's Your Happy Place?

Do you have a "happy place"?  You know, that quiet spot, corner, place where you can stop and breathe, collect your thoughts and re-focus?

When we're up in Cape York, my favorite place to visit is the 5 Beaches.  I actually don't like sand much, but driving along, weaving from the hills onto the beach and back out again into the hills causes me to stop, re-focus, and breathe.  It's like God saying to me, "See what I've made for you to enjoy!"

5 Beaches, Cape York


The 5 beaches reminds me of the Lord's promises:
    • He Cares for me (1 Peter 5:7), even in people around me fail to care; 
    • He is my strong tower, just as the hills are a buffer from the wind sweeping up the beach (Proverbs 18:10); 
    • He is Living Water, bringing life and refreshment (John 7:37-39) not salty and undrinkable but refreshing; 
    • He is Always with me, because I have the Holy Spirit in me as a Child of God (Ephesians 1:13-14); 
    • He has a plan and purpose for me (Jeremiah 29:11).

1 comment:

  1. The garden is my happy place. It's peaceful, full of Gods amazing splendour and as the wind blows or the dapple sun hits my face, it reminds me of just how special God is and how at peace I can be in Him.
