Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Are You Grateful for Your Team?

Recently, my husband and I went to view the overflow at Tinaroo Dam in Far North Queensland. Although we live in this beautiful part of Australia, we forget to take time to enjoy the natural and man-made resources around us.

Tinaroo Dam is a valuable resource to this area - it ensures that the drier areas around Mareeba have water (through a channel system), local towns have water, and it provides opportunities for recreational activities and recreational activities sustaining local wildlife and farming land.

As I was reflecting, I realized that often we often forget to express appreciation to our Team.  The "Team" may be where we work, or a local N-F-P group we are part of, it might be our family or close friends who get together to support us.

Life happens and becomes busy.  We are often so busy doing life, that we forget to stop and live life!

So, today, how can you affirm your Team? How can you express your gratitude? Let's go out for a coffee together, or even a quick thank you to each of them. Stop and express your appreciation and show it in action.  Often, we say words, but don't follow them up with actions.

How can you affirm your Team?

  • express your appreciation for them as a person, not just for the role they undertake
  • ask them how they are and about their family
  • when speaking with team members make eye contact and face them so that they see you are genuinely interested in them. 
  • Help them feel accepted and that they aren't questioning their value within the team
  • Affirm their abilities and talents.
You will find ways to affirm your team if you take the time to reflect and express to them, they are valuable and appreciated.

Tinaroo Dam, February 2023

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