Showing posts with label office. Show all posts
Showing posts with label office. Show all posts

Friday, August 25, 2023

Providing tips to working from home

One of the joys of working from home is that you are in 'your space'.  However, working from home also means organizing, creating a peaceful space to allow creativity and thrive, and keeping it simple.

There are challenges to working from home.  

Simple points such as:

  • not being distracted by clutter, noise, or household jobs,
  • being present in getting your work completed and not distracted by scrolling on social media,
  • ensuring your family and friends know that you have set times when you are working, and not available to socialize, even though you are physically at home,
  • keeping your space clean and tidy so that distractions of clutter or accumulation of piles don't deter you from completing assigned workloads.
How could you minimize distractions?
  • Set time aside weekly to clean your office space and go through any piles of accumulated paperwork, etc,
  • Set time aside daily to ensure that you have completed simple tasks before you begin working in your home office.  (Making your bed, cleaning the bathroom and kitchen, vacuuming, etc)
  • Set your break times and take them.  For example, morning tea or lunch.  Do not bring your lunch back to your office.  Take time to eat away from your laptop and desk.  This might mean you have your lunch on the back patio or sit in the sunshine for 10 mins.
  • Once you have completed your assigned work for the day, leave your office tidy and close your equipment, just as you would when leaving the workplace office.
These are just some ideas.  You will have more ideas that you can implement.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Value your Team

Many people make a team.  How you or management treat can determine whether the team is cohesive, excited, encouraging, and forward-thinking, or, in dissension, disheartening, reactionary, and critical.

So, how can you value your staff and/or volunteers? One simple step is simply saying 'Thank you'! But do not just say the words, follow up with action. You may choose to hold a monthly or bi-monthly morning tea, encouraging your team to engage with one another and build their working relationships and discuss the challenges and successes within their areas of volunteering or work.


I cannot emphasize enough how important communication is to value your team, whether paid or volunteer.  Regular, open communication is vital to building an effective team that is cohesive, excited, and working well together.

Equip Your Team

Your team is unable to effectively engage in their roles if they are not equipped with resources and training.  In many industries, "toolbox talks" are held where opportunities to bring up concerns, training requirements, and provide professional development are concentrated on.

If there are courses, and/or professional development opportunities available, ensure your team is aware of them and how they can participate. 

Ensure when fresh staff or volunteers join your team, they are introduced to the whole team and welcomed.  

Reward Your Team

Be available to encourage and reward your team.  Something as simple as a morning tea or doing a team-building activity together.  Saying thank you, giving certificates, or an acknowledgment of outstanding contributions. 

Communication, equipping, and rewarding your team will encourage longevity, respect, cohesiveness, and unity. 

How can you value your team today?

Friday, August 11, 2023

How To

 As a 'seasoned adult', I've had many years of experience in areas of not-for-profit, as well as paid employment.

Having trained several incoming staff through a variety of various positions, I noted it can be difficult to pass on all information that the incoming staff member may require.

Trivial things such as where floral arrangements/wreaths are purchased, or what to remember at various times of the year may not be recorded in the job guidelines but are intrinsically part of the role.

That's where a "How To" document might be helpful.  In this document (which I refer to as a 'living document), you note small incidentals, timelines, and practical notes that can assist the incoming staff member as they learn about what is required, especially after you are no longer working in that area. Looking back, I now realize that such a document in my early years of working in both paid and N-F-P work, would have been invaluable.

This document can be continually changed and updated by those referring to it so that as functions, timelines, and things change in your role, there is an up-to-date place of reference. It is an intentional document and one you are continually updating.

Such a document might seem to be a waste of your time, however, once you are not in that role, it can assist the new person, especially if they cannot contact you. Such a document, alongside the PD and PG, can stimulate conversation and help with communication in the working environment.

One way you might like to begin your "How To" document is by going through your Position Description (PD)/Guidelines (PG) and making notes on the small points that are not listed in these documents.

In some roles, knowing the manager's coffee preference can help set a more positive start to the working day!

Small incidental points, which seem trivial, can help create a positive working environment, or cause dysfunction as people become frustrated because the previous staff member "knew", but the new member of the team does not.

How can you create a "How To" document today and into the future, for when you train someone in your role?

Friday, June 23, 2023

Recording Minutes of a Meeting

Some people may ask why recording notes (minutes) of a meeting are important. The recording of decisions made provides a written record that can be referred to in the future, provide approval for actions to be implemented, and is kept as a historical reference.

The ability of the person to take minutes should be recognized. The ability to write or type notes while being immersed in the discussion, requires the minute taker to be prepared, well-organized, and multitasking.

Accurately recording all decisions made, ensures a documented reference for the group or organization of actions to be undertaken and completed.

The person taking minutes should record in a way that is not biased and provides enough information to show why the decision was made yet be concise. The ability to listen well and type/write quickly is essential.  If the meeting is over several days, or there are numerous items to be discussed and resolved, having a second person take notes is helpful. The notes can then be collated into one document post-meeting.

Writing/typing more information than you will include in the final set of minutes helps the minute taker to ensure they have captured all essential information.  It is much easier to reduce what is noted in minutes than to try and remember what is missing.

Some suggestions that may be helpful to those assigned to take down minutes:

  • Ensure distractions (mobile phone, apps, etc) are turned off or silenced.
  • Save your work regularly if typing. I cannot stress the importance of this! If you have typed hours' worth of information but have forgotten to save the file and lose all you have worked on, it is frustrating and embarrassing.
  • Be prepared - have all essential tools on hand and ready.
  • Listen carefully.
  • If unsure about the wording of a proposed resolution or minute to be noted, ask. Refer to the Chairperson for clarification.  Ensure you have accurately recorded both the person moving motion and the person seconding the motion.
  • Take more notes than you will require.  It's easier to delete than remember.
  • Have final draft completed as soon as practical post-meeting and send to Chairperson/assigned person for approval.
These suggestions are simply learned from many years of experience in undertaking such roles.

An accomplished minute-taker ensures that important decisions are accurately recorded. I encourage you to not be overwhelmed when minute-taking.  It is a valuable skill to learn and accomplish.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail!

 You've read the saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

Being organized and ensuring you have your day planned out, helps in planning to succeed, instead of planning to fail. Over many years, I have watched many people both succeed and fail.  Some tell me, "I just go with the flow!", or "I can't plan past the new couple of days, it's just too far." 

Others tell me how they have planned out their goals and what actions will need to be undertaken up to a year or more ahead so that they have the best possible chance of success.  The difference between these two types?  

Simply, it's having an action plan in place and ensuring that they consistently work towards the goal they have set rather than "let's hope for the best".

This quote, I think sums up 2023 for me and part of what I want to achieve: 

"To be successful at anything, you must simply be what most people aren't: Consistent." (Anon)

How can you begin to plan for success instead of failure?

  • Set aside time each week to dream, research, and plan the activities you want to achieve.
  • Determine what activities are urgent, short-term planning, and long-term planning.
  • Begin collating what you need for short-term and long-term plans. E.g. you decide to apply for a housing loan. In undertaking this process, documents will need to be gathered and certified, book an appointment with an authorized broker or local bank.
  • Action urgent jobs promptly; don't leave until the last minute.   Ensure the work undertaken is your best.
  • Have a notebook or daily planner sheet that you can tick off jobs as they are completed.
  • Don't be overwhelmed; break the jobs down into manageable tasks. I have found this helps manage stress and anxiety levels, especially when undertaking a role or request that I have never done before.
  • Review, review, and review documents and information before sending.  This saves time and embarrassment.  
  • Have regular times that you are at your desk, so people know when they can contact you.
  • Plan time to rest and have a break.
  • Take care of yourself.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

A New Year - Are You Ready for Change?

 Reflecting on the year we have journeyed through has been one of challenges and change.

Change occurs, even when we do all we can to ensure that we continue our path in comfort and routine.  Sometimes, the pathway is rocky with pebbles we slip on or stones on which we stub our toe; there may be a large rock that requires help to push out of the way.

As we journey together on life's path, let's help one another by sweeping off, picking up, and removing the stones that people slip on or stub their toes on.  We must learn to ask for help when the large rocks cannot be removed by our strength alone.

What are a few practical ideas we can undertake to prepare for the new year?

  • Declutter your office.  Don't be afraid to work through the paperwork and items in your office and make some tough decisions about what is really needed or what should be relocated to another area of your house.
  • Plan and set up your daily/weekly/monthly planner. (I use a color-coded system to assist with key deadlines that must be met).
  • digitalize documents that you wish to keep but do not require a paper copy and add them to a specifically named folder.
  • Declutter your digital devices. Do you really need 10 photos of one moment, or would 1-2 copies be enough?

Change and challenge will occur in the new year coming.  Let's pray and seek the Lord's direction and help.  Let us be prepared to step out into a "new thing"!

Monday, October 17, 2022


 Teamwork.  We often hear this word, read about the importance of it and in our workplaces are encouraged to participate in it.

What is Teamwork? The Cambridge Dictionary tells us, "the activity of working together in a group with other people, especially when this is successful."

Teamwork isn't always easy.  Some people find it much more appealing to work alone, whilst others relish the opportunity to work with others.

Teamwork, when everyone in the group chooses to participate and work together, can lead to creative and successful outcomes.  To achieve successful outcomes, all participants need to intentionally  ensure a numbe of actions occur.

1. Turn Up on Time!  Meetings (either in person or online) to brainstorm, collerabrate, and compile are important and it is very frustrating if participants are late joining the meeting or not turn up at all.  If you are part of a team of people, then TURN UP! Turn up to participate, turn up on time, be proactive.

2. Do Your Part!  Your contribution is important.  Ensure you complete the assigned tasks ontime and to the best of your ability.

3. Ask for Help! If you are overwhelmed or struggling, then reach out to the team and ask for help.  That's not, I don't want to do the task or I haven't ensure enough time.  It's asking for help when I've tried and need someone to review or assist.

4. Affirm Each Other!  Encourage one another and affirm the team members abilities and skills.

5.  Celebrate Your Success and Milestones!  Don't forget to celebrate together the milestones achieved and successful outcomes.  When things don't quite go to plan, find what to celebrate and then how together work out the issues that still require resolution.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Planning and Preparation

 When you have a busy period, what's your "Go to"?  

For some of us it's a list (or several), scheduling tasks, a diary (paper or digital), maybe sticky notes.

I am a list person.  I make lists for all sorts of jobs.  It may be planning an event (or even a BBQ), meeting deadlines for acquittal purposes, ensuring that people are contacted for meetings, making sure that travel itineraries are submitted on time.

Whatever your reason, having some form of reminder is helpful, especially in today's fast-paced; information overload world.

Learning how to use technology to assist you and make life easier is a must.  Scheduling emails, texts and reminders can mean that your time is better utilised so that deadlines can be met, reports or documents reach the recipients on time.

You may find that a simple list, or scheduling reminders can help free up your valuable time.

A monthly planner, a few highlighters and a decent pen, plus a few minutes each week can make the difference between fluster and focus.

To Do List
Have Your To Do List ready!

Monday, April 18, 2022

Tidy Workstation - Helping You Focus

How do you feel when you walk into a room that's cluttered and chaotic?  Do you feel like you can focus, or do you feel overwhelmed?

A tidy workstation or office helps us to focus.  We don't become distracted by the clutter, the "I must attend to that".

Simply having a clean desk, jobs sorted, drawers tidy help us to focus on the immediate task at hand.

Some suggestions:

  • a basket/box for mail in and out,
  • clipboards for jobs in progress (alternatively you may choose folders, marked desk trays),
  • Monthly planner (to see what is coming up and to note deadlines),
  • current year calendar,
  • notepad,
  • printer paper in easily accessible drawer/shelf,
  • pens, highlighters, rulers, etc in a tidy drawer,
  • Important documents (birth certificates, marriage certificates, passports, certificates, etc) in a folder.  I have made one for each of my children so that they can simply collect their folder and have all the relevant documentation available easily when they need to complete Identification/applications for loans, business, education, etc.
People have different ways of using their office/workstation space.  You may prefer paper; others prefer to have everything digital.  When you find what works the best for you, keep the flow going.  

In today's digital world, it's important to have a back-up.  If you have had children completing senior schooling then you will know what happens when their assignment is suddenly "lost"! Having a backup hard-drive or cloud storage will help lessen the stress that comes when you suddenly need to send an urgent email or upload a document to an online application. Ensure you have strong passwords and software protection.

A tidy workstation is important and makes working less stressful.