Showing posts with label motivational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivational. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2024

Remember, reflect, renew

 Remember:        Up to this moment, your life has been a series of events – joyful events and trials. Anyone who says they have never been through difficulties is lying or a narcissist.

Trials are hard to endure through, yet we often grow the most in these times – in our character and showing our values, if we are willing to learn from the experience.

“The dry seasons in life do not last.The spring rains will come again.” —Sarah Ban Breathnach

Reflect:                As you reflect on life up to this moment, ask yourself honestly, “How am I doing?” Often, we don’t want to reflect on the challenges, yet when we take the mask off, then reflection can be useful in helping us grow and move forward. Reflect on the positives as well.  What can you be thankful for?

“Reflect on the past, embrace the present, and create a brilliant future.”

 Renew:                In this new year, what do you want to change? What areas of your life need work, and how can you express gratitude? What change will you make in your habits?

“Endings are the launchpad for new beginnings. Take the leap and soar high.”