Friday, June 30, 2023

Singing and Shouting

Looking through the Psalms, I've noticed numerous times when we're instructed to sing or shout to the Lord.

Psalm 96:1-2 (NIV) tells us, "Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name, proclaim his salvation day after day."

Again, Psalm 98:1 (NIV) says, "Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things;"

Some so many talented artists write and record worship songs to tell of what the Lord is doing - marvelous things! There is no reason to not worship the Lord Jesus. We have no reason to grumble that we don't know what to sing!  If you cannot find a song to sing, then I encourage you to begin reading the Psalms.  Are you struggling to pray?  Read the Psalms aloud to the Lord as your prayer.

Out in the countryside by yourself?  Maybe shout out a Psalm to the Lord.  That will get the attention of the local animals 😉 However, you decide to pray - 'singing and shouting' are some ways to express worship.  David, who wrote many of the psalms sang and praised the Lord and wrote down his pieces.  He was a musical and poetical artist. Even today, we are the recipients of these recorded compilations.

After reading some Psalms, you could write a praise piece to the Lord to express your love for him.

Spending time in Scripture and reading (I suggest aloud) some Psalms, helps to reduce anxiety and worry.  Instead of focusing on ourselves, we focus on the One who loves us.

During trials and unexpected life happenings, we can find peace and joy through reading Scripture.  As you read the Psalms, you will find that those who wrote these words also had struggles, and they tell of deep pain, real love, and overcoming.

Something to think about.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Recording Minutes of a Meeting

Some people may ask why recording notes (minutes) of a meeting are important. The recording of decisions made provides a written record that can be referred to in the future, provide approval for actions to be implemented, and is kept as a historical reference.

The ability of the person to take minutes should be recognized. The ability to write or type notes while being immersed in the discussion, requires the minute taker to be prepared, well-organized, and multitasking.

Accurately recording all decisions made, ensures a documented reference for the group or organization of actions to be undertaken and completed.

The person taking minutes should record in a way that is not biased and provides enough information to show why the decision was made yet be concise. The ability to listen well and type/write quickly is essential.  If the meeting is over several days, or there are numerous items to be discussed and resolved, having a second person take notes is helpful. The notes can then be collated into one document post-meeting.

Writing/typing more information than you will include in the final set of minutes helps the minute taker to ensure they have captured all essential information.  It is much easier to reduce what is noted in minutes than to try and remember what is missing.

Some suggestions that may be helpful to those assigned to take down minutes:

  • Ensure distractions (mobile phone, apps, etc) are turned off or silenced.
  • Save your work regularly if typing. I cannot stress the importance of this! If you have typed hours' worth of information but have forgotten to save the file and lose all you have worked on, it is frustrating and embarrassing.
  • Be prepared - have all essential tools on hand and ready.
  • Listen carefully.
  • If unsure about the wording of a proposed resolution or minute to be noted, ask. Refer to the Chairperson for clarification.  Ensure you have accurately recorded both the person moving motion and the person seconding the motion.
  • Take more notes than you will require.  It's easier to delete than remember.
  • Have final draft completed as soon as practical post-meeting and send to Chairperson/assigned person for approval.
These suggestions are simply learned from many years of experience in undertaking such roles.

An accomplished minute-taker ensures that important decisions are accurately recorded. I encourage you to not be overwhelmed when minute-taking.  It is a valuable skill to learn and accomplish.

Friday, June 16, 2023


Recently I read a devotional about the importance of sleep. You can read it here.

Reflecting on this devotional, about the importance of rest, brought a realization that whilst we need to ensure we work and meet our obligations and commitments unless we are well rested and refreshed, our ability to do all we've committed to will be comprised.

After so many years of running on almost empty, health and the ability to rest well becomes compromised. Once this occurs, it is difficult to maintain keeping up with commitments, resentment can occur, and work performance and health are impaired.

Psalm 3:5 says, "I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me."

What are some ways we can ensure we are having adequate rest?

  • Say No.  There are times when we need to say no. Without refreshment, we cannot fulfill the commitments made. So, review your commitments to helping others, and do a few well, instead of having resentment trying to do many. Be polite in declining requests and be prayerful about what you are to do and what you are not to do.
  • Mark your diary by planning time out.  Block sections of your diary out, even on the occasional Saturday! Take this time to rest, to do something different with the family.  For example, you might like to visit a new attraction, or take a family drive, or have a picnic.
  • Spend time reading the Bible and praying.  Exodus 33:14 tells us, The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Taking time out to be in the Lord's presence and resting in him helps us to (a) draw closer to the Lord and know him better, (b) not worry so much because we are assured in him, (c) we can be rested and refreshed in his presence.
Now if you are so tired that you have trouble staying awake, you're not going to be able to pray well or make good decisions. If you are running on empty trying to work, care for your family, ensure your home is tidy and meals are on the table, and try to meet commitments within the community, then some tough decisions might have to be made.  

I am not saying that we don't contribute, or that we expect others to do everything for us.  To be able to make balanced, wise decisions, engage with others, work well, and pray we need to ensure we are having refreshing rest so that we can accomplish all that needs to be achieved.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Concise Reporting

Many people think that if they use long, flowery sentences then their writing will be more appreciated.  However, in our busy, information-filled daily life, many people appreciate someone who provides concise, clear information.

What does concise mean?  From the Mirriam-Webster dictionary, concise is explained as, "marked by brevity of expression or statement: free from all elaboration and superfluous detail".

For example, when writing a progress report, keep your information clear, accurate, and concise. The information presented should relate to the assigned portfolio position and provide accountability and progress to those to whom the report will be presented to.

You may choose to use tables, dot points, or main headings with key points following. Something I have learned in a new N-F-P role recently is to have a summary at the end of my report providing succinct points and recommendations for the upcoming meeting.

Whatever way you choose to present your information to an audience, board, or employer, having your information clear and concise will enable those reading the important points required to review and make decisions, without spending extended periods reading and trying to gather data and facts.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Navigating Challenges

Wouldn't be easy if life were always enjoyable, fun, and relaxed?

In an ideal fantasy that may happen, however, if we are real with each other and ourselves, we know that life is not always easy.  Often, it is fraught with challenges and difficulties. Yet, in times of trials and hardship, we grow.  Our thinking is challenged, causing us to reevaluate what is important, and what can be left behind.

No one enjoys the challenging times in our lives. Do you stop and listen to those who have overcome difficulties in their lives? I don't mean just hearing the story, but really listening. If you truly listen, hear the message of what they went through but more importantly, hear the message of how they have grown through the challenges thrown at them.

What challenges have you encountered in your life? Everything was going very well, life was enjoyable.  Suddenly, an unexpected challenge of employment, health, or housing stands up against you like a giant threatening you.  How do you respond?  Do we respond like the army of Saul who were terrified and lost all hope, or are we like David and stand up to the threat?

Read 1 Samuel chapter 17 (Holy Bible)

"David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." 1 Samuel 17:45 (NIV)

Did David find an easy path?  No.  He simply could have returned to his sheep and left the army to stand and tremble.  But David was no coward.  God had taught him through challenges and trials with bears and lions how to defeat the enemy.  It was not through his own strength, but dependence on the Lord.

How do we change our mindset from fear to faith?  

Hebrews 11:1-3 (NIV) tells us, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  This is what the ancients were commended for.  By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."

Life will not be always enjoyable, fun, and relaxed.  There will be times of challenges, and hardship.  We can look at these times and journey through them knowing we can choose to grow in our faith, and our outlook on life and become people who are empathic and want to help others.

Does it sound depressing that we will face difficulties? Perhaps.  Remember though, we don't have to journey this life alone.  We have the choice to view life in two ways - challenging and hard OR an adventure where we make an impact.

Let's return to David's story in 1 Samuel 17.  He defeated the giant! With five (5) smooth stones and his sling.  Was it the stone and sling?  No.  David tells us how the giant would be defeated when he said, "All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” 1 Samuel 17:47.

The day of fear was turned into a day of victory. David encountered many challenges in his life, yet many know him as one of the greatest kings of Israel. He commanded the Israelite army, reigned over Israel, and wrote the Psalms.

Was his life easy?  No.  He put his faith in God and held onto the assurance of what he could not see yet, knowing that God would keep his promises.

How can you turn your challenge/fear into faith?