Monday, April 18, 2022

Tidy Workstation - Helping You Focus

How do you feel when you walk into a room that's cluttered and chaotic?  Do you feel like you can focus, or do you feel overwhelmed?

A tidy workstation or office helps us to focus.  We don't become distracted by the clutter, the "I must attend to that".

Simply having a clean desk, jobs sorted, drawers tidy help us to focus on the immediate task at hand.

Some suggestions:

  • a basket/box for mail in and out,
  • clipboards for jobs in progress (alternatively you may choose folders, marked desk trays),
  • Monthly planner (to see what is coming up and to note deadlines),
  • current year calendar,
  • notepad,
  • printer paper in easily accessible drawer/shelf,
  • pens, highlighters, rulers, etc in a tidy drawer,
  • Important documents (birth certificates, marriage certificates, passports, certificates, etc) in a folder.  I have made one for each of my children so that they can simply collect their folder and have all the relevant documentation available easily when they need to complete Identification/applications for loans, business, education, etc.
People have different ways of using their office/workstation space.  You may prefer paper; others prefer to have everything digital.  When you find what works the best for you, keep the flow going.  

In today's digital world, it's important to have a back-up.  If you have had children completing senior schooling then you will know what happens when their assignment is suddenly "lost"! Having a backup hard-drive or cloud storage will help lessen the stress that comes when you suddenly need to send an urgent email or upload a document to an online application. Ensure you have strong passwords and software protection.

A tidy workstation is important and makes working less stressful.

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