Friday, June 9, 2023

Concise Reporting

Many people think that if they use long, flowery sentences then their writing will be more appreciated.  However, in our busy, information-filled daily life, many people appreciate someone who provides concise, clear information.

What does concise mean?  From the Mirriam-Webster dictionary, concise is explained as, "marked by brevity of expression or statement: free from all elaboration and superfluous detail".

For example, when writing a progress report, keep your information clear, accurate, and concise. The information presented should relate to the assigned portfolio position and provide accountability and progress to those to whom the report will be presented to.

You may choose to use tables, dot points, or main headings with key points following. Something I have learned in a new N-F-P role recently is to have a summary at the end of my report providing succinct points and recommendations for the upcoming meeting.

Whatever way you choose to present your information to an audience, board, or employer, having your information clear and concise will enable those reading the important points required to review and make decisions, without spending extended periods reading and trying to gather data and facts.

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