Showing posts with label prepare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prepare. Show all posts

Friday, February 9, 2024


If you attend general meetings of different organizations, and if you hold any portfolio position, then you may need to provide a written report of activity for the area you oversee.

Reporting about the activity of the area of management under your portfolio ensures that there is accountability, and the opportunity to ask for assistance, or additional resources for the daily oversight of the area/programs/activities.

Ensure the correct reporting period is clearly shown on the report, along with who is reporting, and position, and what the report is about.

Gather any information from your team, collected information and data, and clients that you know need to be included for reporting. 

Example 1: a sports club coach may include the number of players across each age group, the number of games played in the reporting period, and any incidents, equipment required, or upcoming training events that require funding.

Example 2: a manager of a Not-For-Profit retail area may include the number of employees or volunteers, how much stock was put through the retail for the reporting period, any incidents/sick leave/staff rotation issues, what maintenance is required in the retail section and how much profit/loss with a breakdown of income and expenses.

Read through your report for typing errors, and to ensure it is concise and clear when reading.

You may also like to include a summary of recommendations/issues to be addressed at the end of your report – this helps the minute secretary and the other portfolio managers when they are looking for your recommendations.

Don’t forget to submit your report by the required date and to the correct person/s.

One last tip! Ensure you have a copy (either printed/digital) with you for the meeting so that you can easily refer to recommendations/notes/points that others in the meeting ask you.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Prepare for your meeting

How do you feel when you are rushing to a meeting with sticky notes, and pieces of paper flying about, and you are looking for a pen that works!  We know that this is NO way to be prepared to go into a meeting.  When you are rushed, ill-prepared, and do not have the information you need on hand, the meeting will be a disaster of distress, frustration, and unmet expectations.

How can you be prepared so that the above-mentioned situation is not what you are dealing with? Simply, be prepared – get organized!

1.   Schedule time in the days preceding the meeting to read through all material sent.

2.   Have your agenda ready (printed/digital) and ensure you have advised the person assigned to prepare the agenda; any items you want to have included for discussion.

3.      Read through any reports prior to the meeting and have your notes/questions ready.

4.  Read through the previous minutes, noting anything you are supposed to have completed (and ensure it’s done).

5.      If you are bringing items to the meeting for discussion, have your notes and research collated.

6.      Have your pen and paper ready, or your digital device (and ensure it is charged).

7.      Be well hydrated and rested.

These are some simple steps that you can take to help be prepared for an upcoming meeting.  Entering a meeting feeling calm and confident, with the correct materials on hand, will assist you in communicating through the discussions that will take place and working towards amicable, achievable decisions.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Preparation is key!

Have you heard the saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." There's wisdom in this saying.

I've often heard, "Well I'm spontaneous", or "I'll get to that when I'm good and ready."

Honestly, if I didn't plan and ensure a good workflow, then deadlines would be missed, and people would become frustrated because the documents and information they are waiting on to complete tasks would not be in their hands in time.

I am not saying that being spontaneous is not a good thing.  However, in preparing for board meetings, or any meeting, you should be planning well.

How can you plan well so that you don't fail?

  • Planning for a board meeting takes time.  Do not leave planning and preparation until the last minute.
  • Prepare your own report and ensure the other board directors are aware of the date and time their reports and any research briefs or sub-committee recommendations are due.
  • Prepare an agenda for the meeting and distribute it with enough time for directors to read and make their notes in preparation.
  • Ensure you are aware of what recommendations are being brought to the meeting and decisions that require noting.
  • Ensure all relevant documents for the meeting are made available to each director and have access to a digital copy.
  • Having your 'draft' minutes on hand on your device/laptop can assist in ensuring you record all relevant decisions and information.  If you choose to handwrite, then ensure you have your notepad and several pens (colored highlighters help).
  • Have your paperwork and notes ready to go in an easy-to-find location on your laptop or printed in a folder marked for that meeting.
  • Ensure your mobile and other devices are on silent so that you are not distracted throughout the meeting.
  • Ensure you have adequate hydration, rest, and food before the meeting, and 'be present' in the meeting.  As the person recording minutes, you must be aware of the discussion happening and if you are unsure of a final decision, request clarification.
Planning and preparation are essential elements for any board/executive secretary undertaking a role in the meeting.  

How can you plan well, so that failure is not an option?

Friday, August 11, 2023

How To

 As a 'seasoned adult', I've had many years of experience in areas of not-for-profit, as well as paid employment.

Having trained several incoming staff through a variety of various positions, I noted it can be difficult to pass on all information that the incoming staff member may require.

Trivial things such as where floral arrangements/wreaths are purchased, or what to remember at various times of the year may not be recorded in the job guidelines but are intrinsically part of the role.

That's where a "How To" document might be helpful.  In this document (which I refer to as a 'living document), you note small incidentals, timelines, and practical notes that can assist the incoming staff member as they learn about what is required, especially after you are no longer working in that area. Looking back, I now realize that such a document in my early years of working in both paid and N-F-P work, would have been invaluable.

This document can be continually changed and updated by those referring to it so that as functions, timelines, and things change in your role, there is an up-to-date place of reference. It is an intentional document and one you are continually updating.

Such a document might seem to be a waste of your time, however, once you are not in that role, it can assist the new person, especially if they cannot contact you. Such a document, alongside the PD and PG, can stimulate conversation and help with communication in the working environment.

One way you might like to begin your "How To" document is by going through your Position Description (PD)/Guidelines (PG) and making notes on the small points that are not listed in these documents.

In some roles, knowing the manager's coffee preference can help set a more positive start to the working day!

Small incidental points, which seem trivial, can help create a positive working environment, or cause dysfunction as people become frustrated because the previous staff member "knew", but the new member of the team does not.

How can you create a "How To" document today and into the future, for when you train someone in your role?

Friday, June 23, 2023

Recording Minutes of a Meeting

Some people may ask why recording notes (minutes) of a meeting are important. The recording of decisions made provides a written record that can be referred to in the future, provide approval for actions to be implemented, and is kept as a historical reference.

The ability of the person to take minutes should be recognized. The ability to write or type notes while being immersed in the discussion, requires the minute taker to be prepared, well-organized, and multitasking.

Accurately recording all decisions made, ensures a documented reference for the group or organization of actions to be undertaken and completed.

The person taking minutes should record in a way that is not biased and provides enough information to show why the decision was made yet be concise. The ability to listen well and type/write quickly is essential.  If the meeting is over several days, or there are numerous items to be discussed and resolved, having a second person take notes is helpful. The notes can then be collated into one document post-meeting.

Writing/typing more information than you will include in the final set of minutes helps the minute taker to ensure they have captured all essential information.  It is much easier to reduce what is noted in minutes than to try and remember what is missing.

Some suggestions that may be helpful to those assigned to take down minutes:

  • Ensure distractions (mobile phone, apps, etc) are turned off or silenced.
  • Save your work regularly if typing. I cannot stress the importance of this! If you have typed hours' worth of information but have forgotten to save the file and lose all you have worked on, it is frustrating and embarrassing.
  • Be prepared - have all essential tools on hand and ready.
  • Listen carefully.
  • If unsure about the wording of a proposed resolution or minute to be noted, ask. Refer to the Chairperson for clarification.  Ensure you have accurately recorded both the person moving motion and the person seconding the motion.
  • Take more notes than you will require.  It's easier to delete than remember.
  • Have final draft completed as soon as practical post-meeting and send to Chairperson/assigned person for approval.
These suggestions are simply learned from many years of experience in undertaking such roles.

An accomplished minute-taker ensures that important decisions are accurately recorded. I encourage you to not be overwhelmed when minute-taking.  It is a valuable skill to learn and accomplish.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Concise Reporting

Many people think that if they use long, flowery sentences then their writing will be more appreciated.  However, in our busy, information-filled daily life, many people appreciate someone who provides concise, clear information.

What does concise mean?  From the Mirriam-Webster dictionary, concise is explained as, "marked by brevity of expression or statement: free from all elaboration and superfluous detail".

For example, when writing a progress report, keep your information clear, accurate, and concise. The information presented should relate to the assigned portfolio position and provide accountability and progress to those to whom the report will be presented to.

You may choose to use tables, dot points, or main headings with key points following. Something I have learned in a new N-F-P role recently is to have a summary at the end of my report providing succinct points and recommendations for the upcoming meeting.

Whatever way you choose to present your information to an audience, board, or employer, having your information clear and concise will enable those reading the important points required to review and make decisions, without spending extended periods reading and trying to gather data and facts.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Prayer, Plan, Prepare

 All this also comes from the Lord Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, whose wisdom is magnificent. Isaiah 28:29 NIV

"Prayer, plan, prepare" emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance from the Lord, creating a strategy, and taking action to achieve a desired outcome. It can be a helpful reminder for those looking to accomplish personal or professional goals.

Here are some ways to apply "Prayer, plan, prepare" in your daily work process.

Prayer: Start by seeking inspiration and guidance from reading Scripture, reflecting, and spending time with the Lord in conversation.

Plan: Once you have gathered inspiration and guidance, create a plan that outlines your goals, the scope of your article, event, or project, and the timeline. Consider real factors such as budget, resources, and any potential challenges that may arise.

Prepare: With a plan in place, it's time to act. Begin by preparing the necessary materials and resources and start executing your plan. Be open to adjusting as needed and remember to stay focused on your goal.

By applying "Prayer, plan, prepare" to your strategy, you can create a focused and intentional approach that helps you achieve your desired outcomes.

One way to incorporate "Prayer, plan, prepare" into your design process is to:

  • Begin with a prayer to seek guidance and inspiration from the Lord,
  • Create a plan that outlines your design goals, the scope of your project, and the timeline,
  • Prepare by gathering the necessary resources and materials,
  • Execute your plan with focus and intention, while remaining open to adjusting as needed,
  • Continuously seek guidance through prayer and reflection throughout the design process, to ensure that your outcome is aligned with your values and intentions.

Remember, competent, creative processes require both inspiration and strategy.

By incorporating "Prayer, plan, prepare" into your approach, you can ensure outcomes that are both meaningful and effective.