Showing posts with label rest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rest. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2023


Recently I read a devotional about the importance of sleep. You can read it here.

Reflecting on this devotional, about the importance of rest, brought a realization that whilst we need to ensure we work and meet our obligations and commitments unless we are well rested and refreshed, our ability to do all we've committed to will be comprised.

After so many years of running on almost empty, health and the ability to rest well becomes compromised. Once this occurs, it is difficult to maintain keeping up with commitments, resentment can occur, and work performance and health are impaired.

Psalm 3:5 says, "I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me."

What are some ways we can ensure we are having adequate rest?

  • Say No.  There are times when we need to say no. Without refreshment, we cannot fulfill the commitments made. So, review your commitments to helping others, and do a few well, instead of having resentment trying to do many. Be polite in declining requests and be prayerful about what you are to do and what you are not to do.
  • Mark your diary by planning time out.  Block sections of your diary out, even on the occasional Saturday! Take this time to rest, to do something different with the family.  For example, you might like to visit a new attraction, or take a family drive, or have a picnic.
  • Spend time reading the Bible and praying.  Exodus 33:14 tells us, The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Taking time out to be in the Lord's presence and resting in him helps us to (a) draw closer to the Lord and know him better, (b) not worry so much because we are assured in him, (c) we can be rested and refreshed in his presence.
Now if you are so tired that you have trouble staying awake, you're not going to be able to pray well or make good decisions. If you are running on empty trying to work, care for your family, ensure your home is tidy and meals are on the table, and try to meet commitments within the community, then some tough decisions might have to be made.  

I am not saying that we don't contribute, or that we expect others to do everything for us.  To be able to make balanced, wise decisions, engage with others, work well, and pray we need to ensure we are having refreshing rest so that we can accomplish all that needs to be achieved.