Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2023

Remember at Christmas

Christmas is almost here! There's an air of excitement, Christmas carols, events, parties, concerts, worship services, and preparations. However, this time of the year can also be quite lonely and even stressful for many.

Let us remember that our Lord Jesus Christ was not born in a fancy mansion or a private hospital. He wasn't gifted hundreds of clothes and toys. The Innkeeper didn't even have a spare room for Mary to rest in.  She ended up in an animal shelter and laid her newborn son in a manger (animal feeding trough).

Yet, the angels appeared to shepherds praising God and the shepherds went and saw the newborn Son of God. They spread the word about this baby and praised God for all the things they had heard and seen.

So Christmas is not about how many gifts are under the tree.  It is not about how much food the table can hold. It's not about how much money you spend.  

Christmas is about being thankful.  

Thankful firstly to God, who loved us so much, that He sent His Son to be our savior. 

Thankful that Mary was obedient to the angel's message from God.  

Thankful that the Bible is full of promises to us. 

Be thankful that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, chose to obey God and give his life for us. 

Thankful that we can celebrate with our families (however they may be made up). 

Let us be thankful that we have a future with God if we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

Perhaps you can be 'someone' who can share what you have with those who may not have much to celebrate or someone who is lonely, or doesn't have family around them?

Titus 3:4-5 tells us, "But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit".  

We are not saved by what we do - we cannot save ourselves by doing good things, good works, and being good people.  We are saved simply by accepting the amazing gift that is offered to us by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  

Over this Christmas period, why don't you check for yourself what the Bible says?

  • Acts 4:12
  • John 3;16-18
  • John 14:6
  • Matthew 7:21
  • Matthew 19:25-26
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
  • Romans 3:23
  • Acts 16:30-33

Friday, October 27, 2023

Are we thankful or thankless?

 Are we thankful people? 

Many of us would automatically say, "Yes!"  But here is the challenge - when life is 'good', it is not difficult to be thankful.  However, when we are in the trials of everyday life, or a traumatic event, suddenly, being thankful is not so easy, and we can become thankless.

People do not like going through trials, however, often our character, disposition, and attitude are tested and refined through such experiences.

The definition of 'thankful' - happy or grateful because of something.

The definition of 'thankless' - unlikely to be appreciated.

How do we remain thankful instead of being thankless, in challenging times?  

Some ideas:

  • Pray - prayer is powerful,
  • step back and adjust expectations,
  • celebrate tiny steps forward,
  • choose to smile when you see a sunrise or sunset,
  • hold onto joy (not happiness),
  • cling to the Lord - call on Him, communicate with Him, sing to Him, worship Him,
  • seek out grateful people and be around them,
  • write down three things you are grateful for each day,
  • read Scripture.

1 Corinthians 1:4-6 provides insight into where Paul expresses his gratitude and thankfulness for the Corinthian believers, who have been enriched by God’s grace and gifts in Christ. 

When we pray for people, regardless of their situation, 1 Corinthians 1:4-6 is a passage that you can include to show thankfulness to God for those in your life, especially our Christian brothers and sisters.

Thankfulness is a choice.  We can choose to be thankful or thankless. Regardless of the circumstances each of us might currently be undergoing, we still have a choice.

If we are to make a change, then being thankful regardless of circumstances, is a conscious decision.  I am not saying that what we go through is not real; it's often very painful and difficult.  However, the challenge for us is to check our attitudes and choose to not become offended or bitter.  If you are around a thankless person, there is bitterness and offense.   When you are around a person, who is undergoing trials, yet chooses to be thankful, you are refreshed and have joy, hope, and peace. 

The challenge today:   are you a thankful OR a thankless person?

How might you show you are thankful today?