Friday, June 23, 2023

Recording Minutes of a Meeting

Some people may ask why recording notes (minutes) of a meeting are important. The recording of decisions made provides a written record that can be referred to in the future, provide approval for actions to be implemented, and is kept as a historical reference.

The ability of the person to take minutes should be recognized. The ability to write or type notes while being immersed in the discussion, requires the minute taker to be prepared, well-organized, and multitasking.

Accurately recording all decisions made, ensures a documented reference for the group or organization of actions to be undertaken and completed.

The person taking minutes should record in a way that is not biased and provides enough information to show why the decision was made yet be concise. The ability to listen well and type/write quickly is essential.  If the meeting is over several days, or there are numerous items to be discussed and resolved, having a second person take notes is helpful. The notes can then be collated into one document post-meeting.

Writing/typing more information than you will include in the final set of minutes helps the minute taker to ensure they have captured all essential information.  It is much easier to reduce what is noted in minutes than to try and remember what is missing.

Some suggestions that may be helpful to those assigned to take down minutes:

  • Ensure distractions (mobile phone, apps, etc) are turned off or silenced.
  • Save your work regularly if typing. I cannot stress the importance of this! If you have typed hours' worth of information but have forgotten to save the file and lose all you have worked on, it is frustrating and embarrassing.
  • Be prepared - have all essential tools on hand and ready.
  • Listen carefully.
  • If unsure about the wording of a proposed resolution or minute to be noted, ask. Refer to the Chairperson for clarification.  Ensure you have accurately recorded both the person moving motion and the person seconding the motion.
  • Take more notes than you will require.  It's easier to delete than remember.
  • Have final draft completed as soon as practical post-meeting and send to Chairperson/assigned person for approval.
These suggestions are simply learned from many years of experience in undertaking such roles.

An accomplished minute-taker ensures that important decisions are accurately recorded. I encourage you to not be overwhelmed when minute-taking.  It is a valuable skill to learn and accomplish.

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