Friday, February 2, 2024

Prepare for your meeting

How do you feel when you are rushing to a meeting with sticky notes, and pieces of paper flying about, and you are looking for a pen that works!  We know that this is NO way to be prepared to go into a meeting.  When you are rushed, ill-prepared, and do not have the information you need on hand, the meeting will be a disaster of distress, frustration, and unmet expectations.

How can you be prepared so that the above-mentioned situation is not what you are dealing with? Simply, be prepared – get organized!

1.   Schedule time in the days preceding the meeting to read through all material sent.

2.   Have your agenda ready (printed/digital) and ensure you have advised the person assigned to prepare the agenda; any items you want to have included for discussion.

3.      Read through any reports prior to the meeting and have your notes/questions ready.

4.  Read through the previous minutes, noting anything you are supposed to have completed (and ensure it’s done).

5.      If you are bringing items to the meeting for discussion, have your notes and research collated.

6.      Have your pen and paper ready, or your digital device (and ensure it is charged).

7.      Be well hydrated and rested.

These are some simple steps that you can take to help be prepared for an upcoming meeting.  Entering a meeting feeling calm and confident, with the correct materials on hand, will assist you in communicating through the discussions that will take place and working towards amicable, achievable decisions.

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