Showing posts with label meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meeting. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2024

Following up Post Meeting

 One of the key points I have learned over the past 30+ years of working in the N-F-P areas and participating in meetings is that having an ‘Action Sheet’, or ‘Follow-up post meeting’ sheet for the different people involved is a very helpful document.

So, what I am talking about?

You attend a meeting, take notes, type minutes, correspondence, etc. as a secretary.  You send out the final minutes, and a week before the next meeting, one of the managers/directors, etc. will contact you asking what they were supposed to complete before the upcoming meeting? So, you scurry through the last set of minutes trying to note where they were assigned tasks and then collate all you’ve found to send to them.

One way I have learned to overcome this issue from many years of experience writing minutes is to have an ‘action sheet’ where I note the tasks to be completed by different portfolios/managers as I am finalizing the minutes to be sent out.

You may have one sheet and note all actions with the name of the assigned person and perhaps a ‘tick box’   next to their name; alternatively, you may choose to have a sheet per portfolio/manager and list for them all their assigned tasks.  It would be very helpful to them if you also include where in the minutes each task has been assigned to them.


Name of Portfolio:                           XXXX XXXXXXXX

Minutes of Meeting:                       XX – XX XXXX

Tasks Assigned:

             Item #                                 Task: ______________________________________________

             Item #                                 Task: ______________________________________________


This step in your finalizing minutes and post-meeting steps will assist, not only you but also the portfolios/managers who have been assigned tasks.

You may think, well it’s their responsibility, and that is true, however, as the secretary/administrator, it helps you to be a positive communicator.



Friday, February 2, 2024

Prepare for your meeting

How do you feel when you are rushing to a meeting with sticky notes, and pieces of paper flying about, and you are looking for a pen that works!  We know that this is NO way to be prepared to go into a meeting.  When you are rushed, ill-prepared, and do not have the information you need on hand, the meeting will be a disaster of distress, frustration, and unmet expectations.

How can you be prepared so that the above-mentioned situation is not what you are dealing with? Simply, be prepared – get organized!

1.   Schedule time in the days preceding the meeting to read through all material sent.

2.   Have your agenda ready (printed/digital) and ensure you have advised the person assigned to prepare the agenda; any items you want to have included for discussion.

3.      Read through any reports prior to the meeting and have your notes/questions ready.

4.  Read through the previous minutes, noting anything you are supposed to have completed (and ensure it’s done).

5.      If you are bringing items to the meeting for discussion, have your notes and research collated.

6.      Have your pen and paper ready, or your digital device (and ensure it is charged).

7.      Be well hydrated and rested.

These are some simple steps that you can take to help be prepared for an upcoming meeting.  Entering a meeting feeling calm and confident, with the correct materials on hand, will assist you in communicating through the discussions that will take place and working towards amicable, achievable decisions.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Preparation is key!

Have you heard the saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." There's wisdom in this saying.

I've often heard, "Well I'm spontaneous", or "I'll get to that when I'm good and ready."

Honestly, if I didn't plan and ensure a good workflow, then deadlines would be missed, and people would become frustrated because the documents and information they are waiting on to complete tasks would not be in their hands in time.

I am not saying that being spontaneous is not a good thing.  However, in preparing for board meetings, or any meeting, you should be planning well.

How can you plan well so that you don't fail?

  • Planning for a board meeting takes time.  Do not leave planning and preparation until the last minute.
  • Prepare your own report and ensure the other board directors are aware of the date and time their reports and any research briefs or sub-committee recommendations are due.
  • Prepare an agenda for the meeting and distribute it with enough time for directors to read and make their notes in preparation.
  • Ensure you are aware of what recommendations are being brought to the meeting and decisions that require noting.
  • Ensure all relevant documents for the meeting are made available to each director and have access to a digital copy.
  • Having your 'draft' minutes on hand on your device/laptop can assist in ensuring you record all relevant decisions and information.  If you choose to handwrite, then ensure you have your notepad and several pens (colored highlighters help).
  • Have your paperwork and notes ready to go in an easy-to-find location on your laptop or printed in a folder marked for that meeting.
  • Ensure your mobile and other devices are on silent so that you are not distracted throughout the meeting.
  • Ensure you have adequate hydration, rest, and food before the meeting, and 'be present' in the meeting.  As the person recording minutes, you must be aware of the discussion happening and if you are unsure of a final decision, request clarification.
Planning and preparation are essential elements for any board/executive secretary undertaking a role in the meeting.  

How can you plan well, so that failure is not an option?

Friday, July 28, 2023

What to do post-meeting

So, you’ve just come out of the weekly/monthly/quarterly general meeting of your organization or not-for-profit. What is next?

Herein lies one big issue. Everyone in that meeting will either be required to undertake actions from the meeting, or you have just compiled a list of notes that are filed away, never to become exposed again.

During the meeting, actions should be assigned to people within the meeting. How can you assist, as the minute taker?

  • As soon as possible post-meeting (within 24 hours), arrange concise notes, which clearly show WHO is responsible for an action. Ensure that any relevant points about each resolution are included
  • In your notes, include the date, time, and location of the meeting, attendees (include apologies), topics discussed, and all decisions made. Ensure people understand clearly who is allocated to action which resolutions and action items.
  • The minutes (or summary) should include the topic/s discussed, the resolution, a timeline, if necessary, what actions are to be undertaken, and who is assigned to complete.
  • Ensure you have your draft minutes/summary typed up and approved within the timelines given to you so that distribution to key personnel is timely.
  • If appropriate, provide a follow-up email/memo to each assigned person with a summary of the areas they have been assigned.  You may like to provide this in between meetings, as a way of improving communication, but also to encourage them. Often, good managers, will have completed the assigned tasks, or have them in progress, and a follow-up message can be edifying as they read and can say, yes, this is completed and ready for the next meeting.
  • When preparing the next meeting agenda, you may choose to include a list from the previous meeting to check through what has been completed from the last meeting.

If there is anything I have learned over 30 years of writing minutes, it is communication is key to ensuring all actions/resolutions are followed up promptly.

What actions can you undertake to improve the timeliness of information reaching assigned personnel in your workplace?