Monday, October 31, 2022

Staying Organised In A Chaotic World

Have you noticed how easily you can be distracted by news, social media, messenging and general life?

We all have busy lives.  Often we are simply trying to get through the day - complete work deadlines, make the NFP meeting we've committed to, get a  meal on the table, ensure the children's homework is done.

One way I have found to stay organised in the chaos is to simply take 10 minutes every few days, sit down with my diary (online/paper/planner, whichever works for you) and check through the week.  

  • What is coming up - meetings and events?
  • What do I need to purchase - grocercies, gifts, etc?
  • What bills are due - vehicle registration, electricity, mobile phone account?
  • What deadlines do I need to meet for work or N-F-P committee?
  • What jobs need to be completed around the house?

You may have other questions that need to be addressed and noted into your diary. That's what a diary or planner can assist you with. Helping to keep you focused and organised so that by the end of the week, you're not feeling completly overwhelmed.

What steps can you take to plan your week more effectively?

Don't forget to schedule some time for you!

Monday, October 17, 2022


 Teamwork.  We often hear this word, read about the importance of it and in our workplaces are encouraged to participate in it.

What is Teamwork? The Cambridge Dictionary tells us, "the activity of working together in a group with other people, especially when this is successful."

Teamwork isn't always easy.  Some people find it much more appealing to work alone, whilst others relish the opportunity to work with others.

Teamwork, when everyone in the group chooses to participate and work together, can lead to creative and successful outcomes.  To achieve successful outcomes, all participants need to intentionally  ensure a numbe of actions occur.

1. Turn Up on Time!  Meetings (either in person or online) to brainstorm, collerabrate, and compile are important and it is very frustrating if participants are late joining the meeting or not turn up at all.  If you are part of a team of people, then TURN UP! Turn up to participate, turn up on time, be proactive.

2. Do Your Part!  Your contribution is important.  Ensure you complete the assigned tasks ontime and to the best of your ability.

3. Ask for Help! If you are overwhelmed or struggling, then reach out to the team and ask for help.  That's not, I don't want to do the task or I haven't ensure enough time.  It's asking for help when I've tried and need someone to review or assist.

4. Affirm Each Other!  Encourage one another and affirm the team members abilities and skills.

5.  Celebrate Your Success and Milestones!  Don't forget to celebrate together the milestones achieved and successful outcomes.  When things don't quite go to plan, find what to celebrate and then how together work out the issues that still require resolution.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Some Things Have To Change

 Life happens...change is inevitable. Change comes, whether we are ready or not. Sometimes it's in our control, usually, we have little or no say in change.

How do we cope? Do we accept change or reject it? What is the impact on our lives, our careers, and our beliefs?

There are a few points that we do know:

1. Change will come whether or not we accept it or reject it.

2. Change may impact our lives, but we can learn to be adaptable.

3.  Change may be difficult at the moment, but the doors open to new possibilities, and new career choices.

4. Change is not something anyone wants to go through; our faith and beliefs are strengthened when we draw near to the Lord instead of pulling away.

Some verses to help:

  • Psalm 51:10
  • Philippians 4:13
  • Proverbs 18:10
  • Psalm 91:2 

Change brings about growth - in our character, in ourselves, in our faith and beliefs. We may not have much say, but how we respond will show either a positive or negative stance as to who we are. 

Whilst change will occur, there are some things that we can hold onto that are not changing:

 - God never changes;

- God's Word never changes, we grow and change as we read and apply the Words of the Bible to our lives;

- We are constantly changing; even if we think we are not;

-  Like the annual cycles of the seasons, life is a constant change.  How we embrace change will either help us flourish or flounder.

What will you choose?

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Where's Your Happy Place?

Do you have a "happy place"?  You know, that quiet spot, corner, place where you can stop and breathe, collect your thoughts and re-focus?

When we're up in Cape York, my favorite place to visit is the 5 Beaches.  I actually don't like sand much, but driving along, weaving from the hills onto the beach and back out again into the hills causes me to stop, re-focus, and breathe.  It's like God saying to me, "See what I've made for you to enjoy!"

5 Beaches, Cape York


The 5 beaches reminds me of the Lord's promises:
    • He Cares for me (1 Peter 5:7), even in people around me fail to care; 
    • He is my strong tower, just as the hills are a buffer from the wind sweeping up the beach (Proverbs 18:10); 
    • He is Living Water, bringing life and refreshment (John 7:37-39) not salty and undrinkable but refreshing; 
    • He is Always with me, because I have the Holy Spirit in me as a Child of God (Ephesians 1:13-14); 
    • He has a plan and purpose for me (Jeremiah 29:11).

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Little Things!

Little things in life are important. Taking time to create, make and share is often dreamt about,  but not always actioned. 

Simple things like food, can make time with family and friends special.

Cookidoo®: Lemon curd (TM6 - 600 g)