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Friday, December 15, 2023

Roundtable: How can your organization improve productivity and staff inclusion? (Acknowledgement of work undertaken)

 Acknowledgement of work undertaken.

This is the last in this series of roundtables: how can your organization improve productivity and staff inclusion?

It is important that as leaders we acknowledge the work undertaken by our teams. To achieve a desirable outcome, it takes a team of people who input their ideas, skills, and talents.  We, as leaders, should not take all the credit for a team effort.  Unfortunately, that is often the case, and you will find that people will either discontinue to engage and ‘just do their basic job’, or they will leave to find a workplace or team that appreciates and acknowledges the work they undertake.

As a leader, it is an important skill to learn how to acknowledge the work undertaken by our team members. It shows you appreciate them; you value the people on your team, and it reflects your values. If you recognize and acknowledge the work undertaken by your team, they will grow in confidence, and positive relationships within the workplace, and be motivated to continue learning, engaging, and improving.  

You may choose to verbally acknowledge or celebrate with the team.  There may be an occasion to provide a certificate of acknowledgement or an award.  For example, you may have part of your team who have worked especially hard on a project that has won an award.  Why not have them take the stage to receive the award on behalf of the organization instead of yourself?  This sends a message that they are valued within the workplace, and you are humble enough as a leader to allow the appropriate people worthy of praise.

While it may be more personally gratifying to garner their acknowledgement of work undertaken, you will find by cultivating a culture of respect and trust, by acknowledging the team members work undertaken, your organization can become a place where people want to come under your leadership and guidance.

What are some ways you can acknowledge the work undertaken by your team members?

Friday, December 8, 2023

Roundtable: How can your organization improve productivity and staff inclusion? (Being open to ideas from staff)

 As a leader within your organization, you must encourage and enable ideas from your staff or team.  As your team collaborate and discuss projects or ways to improve the business, they raise ideas that you have not considered.

To be open to ideas from your staff or team, will require you to be respectful, listen, accept criticism, acknowledge others' input, and allow participation.  You will need to be humble and gracious towards your team and ensure they feel safe to express ideas and are aware that they will be acknowledged and heard.

Collaboration with your team can enable innovative ideas and concepts to be discussed, experimented, or implemented and draw everyone together to work at their best and edify each other along the journey.

Being open-minded to ideas brought forward by your team helps you learn and expand your knowledge base. You improve your skills and together the team can discover further opportunities to grow and expand. Your relationship with the team can become more respectful and you learn empathy.  It is worthwhile to build trust, affinity, and harmony among your teammates.  As their leader, you set the attitude and culture of the work environment.

So, this week, how can you be open to ideas from your staff or team?

Friday, December 1, 2023

Roundtable: How can your organization improve productivity and staff inclusion (Listening)


This is the third part of our roundtable series.  Previously we considered communication and appreciation.

Do you listen to your team? Do you hear their input or only your own ideas?  I am not talking about hearing the chatter and noise in day-to-day conversations.  Listening is a skill.  It is vital for anyone, especially as a leader. If you want your team to trust you and collaborate with you, then they need to know you listen and that when they speak you are truly hearing what they say.

Choose to actively listen.  Make eye contact, acknowledge, and verbalize what they are saying to you so that you understand the message they are conveying.  Ask open-ended questions and confirm their responses.

Ask them questions that dig into the conversation and cause your team members to clarify the points being raised.  Ask them to discuss further what they have learned through situations and projects.

Don’t just nod your head when they are speaking, respond to the person talking.  Allow each person to express themselves without being interrupted.  Be constructive in your responses – such as, “How can I help you with this idea?” or, “You’ve raised a great point, let’s explore this and see how it might fit in this project.”

Being an active and responsive listener will foster a culture of respect, collaboration, and engagement of ideas across the team.  As conversations take place, ensure those who are quiet are allowed to engage. If your team believes you truly listen to them, this will influence how they act in the workplace and their performance.

You set the culture of the team and the workplace.  How can you actively engage your team by listening?

Friday, November 24, 2023

Roundtable: How can your organization improve productivity and staff inclusion? (Appreciation)

In the first article of our roundtable series, we looked at communication being a two-way conversation.

Let’s turn our attention to appreciation. 

The Merriam-webster dictionary tells us that appreciation is:

a feeling or expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude.

Showing appreciation to our staff or volunteers, enables them to know they are valued, worthwhile, and respected.  We’re not talking about flattery.  Appreciating someone is recognizing their value and what they bring to the team.  When we appreciate the people in our team, we are acknowledging their worth and what they contribute to the whole.  Positively showing appreciation to our team empowers them to know they are valued, and in turn, they will want to do their best to edify each other and build the organization of which they are part of.

Acknowledge the work they undertake.

Enable opportunities for the team to develop professionally.

Foster a culture of collaboration, trust, and respect among your team and model this in your leadership.

Accommodate needs within your team where possible.

Celebrate achievements and milestones.

Showing appreciation to your team empowers them, it affirms them, and amplifies their confidence.

How can you show appreciation to your team today?

Friday, November 17, 2023

Roundtable: How to improve organisational productivity and staff inclusion (Communication)

How can your organization improve productivity and staff inclusion?

In the daily hands-on work of ensuring your business or organization is operational and viable, we may overlook staff inclusion. 

So, how can you ensure an efficient, stable workforce within your organization?

1.  Communication 
2.  Appreciation 
3.  Listening
4.  Being open to ideas from staff
5.  Acknowledgement of work undertaken 


Coming from a background of not-for-profit and administration, I cannot express enough the value of communication. 

So often, managers/directors issue directives, only considering their own objectives.  Why should your staff, team, or volunteers listen to you?  If they are not listening, then you need to ask yourself, why?

Communication is a two-way conversation.  Directives are a one-way command giving no opportunity to discuss. 

If your team, whether they are employees or volunteers do not trust you to listen to them or value their input, they will not bring their best to the projects or to the people who engage in the daily course of business.  This will end up affecting the business or organization either by a decrease in income, or less engagement with customers or visitors.

When staff believe they will be heard and conversation is welcomed and valued, they can provide insights into the organization, as they are the on-the-ground, often the first point of contact for potential clients/customers. 

In the next few articles, we'll explore more points listed above.

Friday, October 13, 2023


How often in an advertisement or position guideline do we read, 'self-management' or 'self-organized'?

Whether you are seeking paid or volunteer roles, there are usually position descriptions and guidelines produced so people can read and understand what the position requires and the desired outcomes.

So firstly, let's address what is self-mangement?

A dictionary definition of management is "the act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control."

So self-management is basically your ability to manage, handle, or control your own work and be productive without relying completely on others to achieve a desired outcome. 

There are those who dislike the term self-management because they are accountable for their actions, and decisions and ensuring their workflow is productive. Work is just a source of income, and little enthusiasm to upskill and grow in their role is shown.

Personally, I enjoy self-managing my day and workflow.  Knowing that people can rely on me to provide communication, information, and research, ensuring deadlines and outcomes are achieved in a timely manner, is very fulfilling. Self-management requires a person to be highly organized, and dependable and monitor themselves, and their team if they have one, to ensure high-quality productivity and outcomes.

Taking time to prepare and consider each job undertaken is important.  Setting goals such as timeframes for research, approvals, communication dissemination,  scheduling, and deadlines may seem paralyzing for some, however, I have found it exciting and a great routine to include in your daily activities.

Self-management is not just for those in paid or volunteer roles.  This can be incorporated into daily life.  We all self-manage at some level.  How?

  • arranging medical, dental, hairdresser, and mechanical appointments.
  • arranging meetings with educators, and financial and legal representatives.
  • researching appliances, diets, medical aids, and educational institutions.
  • budgeting and payment of household accounts.
  • purchasing groceries, ensuring your vehicle has fuel, and regular maintenance.
  • Checking and updating the family calendar so that everyone is where they need to be at any given date/time.
Celebrate successes!  It's important to affirm a job well done.  It might be as simple as a 'thank you' to a team member, or an encouraging email.  You might just want to stop and thank the Lord for the successful outcome.  It may seem minor, but we do not celebrate our successes enough.  Let's focus on the positive outcomes instead of the negative experiences.

How do you self-manage?

Friday, May 26, 2023


Recently, I was reading some notes taken from a Sunday Church service.

One of the notes I took caught my attention:

“There is an ever-increasing demand on us to meet people’s needs and demands. We also place expectations on ourselves. We put ourselves under pressure thinking others have expectations of us. We feel that we're underproductive if we aren't busy.   We forget to stop and breathe.

Wow! Then I read further down my notes to find, “We have to be careful with our busyness.   There's a tension in our busyness.   We have families, work, and life”.

Again, ‘wake-up call’ to me!

The challenge?

What is sacrificed when we become too busy?


Church on Sunday?

Bible study?



How do we manage expectations? Our expectations and the expectations of others?

Philippians 1:1-11 especially verses 9 and 10, which reads, “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ.” (NKJV)

Being discerning in what we agree to take on, plan out our day/week to intentionally include relationships, Bible study, and prayer.  Choose to commit to Sunday worship and praying with fellow Christians.

Reflect on where you are situated in your ‘to-do’ lists.  Do you need to give up something, and be more intentional in other areas of your life?

Friday, May 19, 2023

Trusting God in the Process

My current phone wallpaper reminds me to "trust God in the process".  

The Bible reference is Ecclesiastes 3:11, which tells us, "Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end."
Life happens.  Change happens.  Unexpected moments happen.  To whom do we turn to? Who do we trust? People? Why? People hurt people, use people, and exploit situations to their benefit.

If you want to make a positive life change in you and your community (however you define community) then begin by understanding, we cannot know the beginning from the end.  We go one step at a time, having plans, which may change unexpectedly. Unlike God, we cannot see everything from beginning to end.   Life is an adventure; sometimes you scream, sing, and shout.  In all this, whether expected or not, we need to ask ourselves, what positive action can come out of this situation?

Trust God in the process, He won't fail you.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Appreciate The Little Things

How often do you take the time to appreciate the little things in life?

If you woke up this morning, had you coffee or tea, spoke with those with you do life, then appreciate these small, but important events.

Often, we are so busy doing life, we forget that we are human ‘beings’. We long to ‘be’ – loving, living, enjoying, appreciating. However, life happens, and too often, all we do is go-through-the-motions of existing.

If you didn’t do some things, what catastrophe would occur? If you didn’t wash for one day, or didn’t check your email 20 times a day but shut the system for a day to spend with others, or rake time for yourself? These are questions I ask myself. With social media, taking on N-F-P roles, and daily tasks around the home, it’s easy to be 24/7 connected and have information overload.

Today, what action can you take to ‘be’ instead of ‘doing’?

Something to reflect on.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Prayer, Plan, Prepare

 All this also comes from the Lord Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, whose wisdom is magnificent. Isaiah 28:29 NIV

"Prayer, plan, prepare" emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance from the Lord, creating a strategy, and taking action to achieve a desired outcome. It can be a helpful reminder for those looking to accomplish personal or professional goals.

Here are some ways to apply "Prayer, plan, prepare" in your daily work process.

Prayer: Start by seeking inspiration and guidance from reading Scripture, reflecting, and spending time with the Lord in conversation.

Plan: Once you have gathered inspiration and guidance, create a plan that outlines your goals, the scope of your article, event, or project, and the timeline. Consider real factors such as budget, resources, and any potential challenges that may arise.

Prepare: With a plan in place, it's time to act. Begin by preparing the necessary materials and resources and start executing your plan. Be open to adjusting as needed and remember to stay focused on your goal.

By applying "Prayer, plan, prepare" to your strategy, you can create a focused and intentional approach that helps you achieve your desired outcomes.

One way to incorporate "Prayer, plan, prepare" into your design process is to:

  • Begin with a prayer to seek guidance and inspiration from the Lord,
  • Create a plan that outlines your design goals, the scope of your project, and the timeline,
  • Prepare by gathering the necessary resources and materials,
  • Execute your plan with focus and intention, while remaining open to adjusting as needed,
  • Continuously seek guidance through prayer and reflection throughout the design process, to ensure that your outcome is aligned with your values and intentions.

Remember, competent, creative processes require both inspiration and strategy.

By incorporating "Prayer, plan, prepare" into your approach, you can ensure outcomes that are both meaningful and effective.


Friday, April 7, 2023

Designing A Workspace that Inspires both Work and Passion

 Do you see your business or job solely as a means of generating income, or do you view it as a pursuit of your passion? 

This is a critical question to consider when it comes to designing a workspace that is both functional and inspiring. A workspace that is purely functional may not provide the level of motivation and creativity necessary for pursuing a passion, while a workspace that is solely designed for aesthetics may not be practical for generating income.

If you have clients presenting to your premises, is the workspace functional, tidy, welcoming, or cluttered, disorganized, and uninviting?

If your business is online, what do people see behind you as you communicate with them? Tasteful, inspiring backgrounds or chaotic, muddled piles and paperwork?

Therefore, balancing functionality and creativity is essential to creating a workspace that is conducive to both work and passion. Whether you are generating an income, studying, assisting Not-For-Profit organizations, or paying the household accounts, having a workspace that is inspiring and welcoming will help to ensure productivity rather than procrastination.

Here are a few ideas to achieve this balance:

Incorporate natural light to brighten up your workspace and improve both your mood and those who attend to the office.

Add plants to create a calming atmosphere that promotes focus and creativity.

Utilize colours that promote productivity such as green, blue, and orange.

Personalize your workspace with items that inspire creativity and motivation.

In the end, the goal is to create a workspace that supports all aspects of your work, whether it's generating income or pursuing your passion.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Where Do You Find Your Safety?

 The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

This verse reminds us that the Lord's name provides protection and safety for righteous people who seek refuge in it.

The Bible provides guidance and wisdom to Christians around the world. As part of the book of Proverbs, this verse is just one example of the many pieces of inspired wisdom.

This verse highlights the importance of seeking refuge in the Lord's name. It is a powerful reminder that we are not alone in this world and that it is God to whom we turn for support and guidance. Whether you are facing challenges in your personal life, or workplace, or simply seeking greater understanding and connection with the world around you, the Bible is our valuable resource to draw upon, along with prayer and being part of the Christian community.

The idea of seeking refuge in the Lord's name is a common theme throughout the Bible. Within Scripture, many verses speak to the importance of relying on God for protection and guidance. Some examples include:

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold." (Psalm 18:2)

"The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble." (Psalm 9:9)

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1)

These verses, and many others like them, remind us that no matter what challenges we face, we can always turn to God for help and support. 

Who is a righteous person? Someone who is right with God. We cannot be right with God by our own actions.  Through our faith in Jesus Christ, speaking aloud and believing that He died and rose again to save us.  So, we never become righteous through our own doing; it's all that God has accomplished through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Reference: Romans 3:9-12

We either run to the Lord for refuge and safety, or we run to something, or somewhere always looking, and searching for peace.

Stepping out to face the challenges that come before us is not easy.  However, stepping out with God aids us in focusing on Him instead of ourselves.

Where do you find your refuge/safety?

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Decluttering - more than just cleaning out a space

When some people hear the word 'Declutter', they inwardly groan, roll their eyes, or make excuses.

For years, I held onto 'stuff'. There was no real reason except, that in the back of my mind, I reasoned it might be needed one day and we had worked hard to obtain it.

Then in 2020, the world turned upside down. We began going through the stored boxes in the shed. Opening some of the boxes revealed items that had been packed from moving back in 2007! 

During the Christmas holidays at the end of 2020, I began the process of 'decluttering' the house.

Beginning wasn't easy. I read articles, watched shows, and started small.

After winter and then after again Christmas, I always felt overwhelmed by so much stuff around the house. Everyday cleaning seemed to be moving items around but never decreasing the volume of things.

We had talked about installing furniture to display our treasured pieces. So beginning with the bookcase, then progressing to wardrobes, kitchen cupboards, excess and old clothing, toys, DVD's, and items, we slowly began decluttering. 

Now in 2023, the house is easy to clean and maintain. I have time to appreciate my home. 

With the children now grown and living their own adventures, the house is much quieter. Having our space decluttered and simple allows us to enjoy time with friends, and not be overwhelmed, or stressed by piles of items. 

One of our pastors shared a quote in our weekly newsletter some time ago and this challenged me to think about what items I was holding onto and why. The quote: "Hold loosely to the things of this life, so that if God requires them of you, it will be easy to let them go."

Decluttering, I found, wasn't just throwing everything out. Going through the process, helped me appreciate what I have, what we need, enjoy and use. Giving items away to others, charity, etc meant what we no longer needed was repurposed by others. 

Instead of hours and hours of cleaning each week, the house can be tidy in a short time.  
Yes, there's still the 'deeper' cleans to be undertaken, such as windows, walls, etc. But the general, day-to-day cleaning takes a short amount if time, allowing me to undertake other roles and projects.

If you are considering decluttering, be mindful about why you want 
to do this. Consider seriously what you need, what can be repurposed, donated or sold.
Be realistic and most of all, be kind to yourself in the process.